Gosh, this is a CLASSY country we live in, ain't it? Have you got yer iPhone yet with yer appy app apps? Do you worry that the peeps might think yer a bit elitist with yer fancy smancy fone? Would you like to give yer new toy a nice white trash/ least common denominator look so's ya don't hafta deal with class warfare anymores? Well, how 'bout a nice booty?
or may be some balls (yeeeeeeeeeeeeees -- BALLS!).
If you REALLY wanna keep it real, try this cardboard recession case.
And if yer just tired of all the a-holes in yer face, ya gotta get rear gear!
(No more Mr. Brown eye!)
Isn't living in the future awesome?
Wrongbutfunny.com is the critically acclaimed (okay, WE like it) cyberspace comedy catalogue and consistent cure for irritating Internet ennui transmitted into existence almost REGULARLY by Brad French and David Kamatoy of the ALSO critically acclaimed (again, pretty much US) Dave & Brad Show, THE comedy-juggling extravaganza VERY similar to entertainment and ALWAYS slightly less disappointing than OTHER comedy-juggling acts! Witness the folly, online and off. All your laffs are belong to us.